Our learning journey

The Skola’s curriculum is committed to thinking, doing, and reflecting that comes from direct experiences, a versatile environment, and a group of educators that support their students by knowing their individual challenges and strengths.

Foxes (Foxtail)

  • 3-5 year olds

    *Must be 3 before 9/1 of the Start of School .

    **Must be potty trained.

    ***If child has turned 5 before 9/1 of school year, they will be in the Owls program. If child turns 5 during school year, they will first be evaluated by Brooke Ober to determine best program.

  • 2 Day (Mon/Wed OR Tues/Thurs)


    4 Day (Mon - Thurs)

    All Days: Drop-off: 845am - Pick-Up 3:15pm

  • Haskill Forest Campus

    1588 Edgewood Drive


  • Steeped in nature immersion and play-based learning, exploration and discovery (collaboration, shared imagination, problem solving)

    Focus on early aspects of empathy, values of equity and equality, independence

    Development of sense of space and stewardship of land.

Owls (Kindergarten)

  • 4* - 6 Year Olds

    *4 Year Olds (Must be 5 by 1/1 of the school year)

  • 4 Days a Week: Monday - Thursday

    Drop Off: 8:30am

    PickUp: 3:30pm

  • Monday - Wednesday:

    Earthstar Campus

    314 Little Creek Lane - Whitefish


    Downtown Campus

    300 E 2nd Street - Whitefish

  • Experiential learning that connects students to nature.

    Meaningful and practical work to gain sense of purpose and enthusiasm (including gardening/farming).

    Early academic skill building (math, reading, writing, science).

    Early executive function and social-emotional learning.

Larks (1st - 4th Graders)

  • Traditional 1st - 3rd Grades

    (Ages 6 - 10)

  • Monday - Thursday

    One Friday / Month: Project Days

    Drop Off: 8:15 am

    Pick Up: 3:45 pm

  • Monday - Wednesday:

    Downtown Campus

    200 E 2nd Street - Whitefish


    Earthstar Campus

    314 Little Creek Lane - Whitefish

  • Experiential learning supporting by rich academic practice

    Purpose driven learning

    Project and place based learning centered around community and nature

    Social emotional learning and executive functioning


Beginning with
the principles

Better outcomes for children start with better principles. With insights from longstanding traditions, we are setting a new standard for child well-being, social-emotional development, and a nourished sense of belonging.

Bildung Philosophy

Bildung shapes the knowledge to thrive in a multi-cultural society and cultivates the moral self to hold “me” & “we” in balance.

Daily Mindfulness

No matter the time, place, or activity, our ability to give attention determines our ability to meet our goals.

Academic Rigor

Our way of learning via direct experience is supported by a rich academic practice: in literacy, science, math, and the arts.

Self-directed Exploration

For a child to trust what they know, they first need to know who they are. Time for self-directed learning helps them do this.

Scandinavian Roots

From being outside (friluftsliv) to sipping & sharing (fika), we nurture our school’s culture with Scandinavian customs.

Unit Blocks

From City & Country in NYC, unit blocks give children a chance to reproduce their world via play and first-hand exploration.